In the works: American Malheur: The Graphic Novel
/Chris and I have been spending some time down at the Federal Courthouse here in Portland. The larger drama that unfolded from the January occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is now a series of court cases.
Santilli laughing at his old jokes as they were played to the court as evidence.
Chris and I are drawn to this case because the underlying themes affect public lands policies.
We aim to make a graphic novel out of this drama. Though to be truthful we know that we do not know enough to do it on our own. There are certain members of the press that we would like to collaborate with on the research and development and the writing when that time comes.
Judge Mosman's patience is tested by tech failures and fibs about compatibility.
Our intention with this story is to be fair to the facts and to see as much as we can with our own eyes. A case like this is prone to hyperbole and exaggeration and we are not wanting to go down that road. If you are interested please follow along as the story develops.
Judge orders Santilli to remain in jail until his case begins